Leonid Afremov
Painter – Pittore (Mexico) (1955-2019)
Member of Quia International Guild of Artists
Bibliografia – Reference: Stracci P., Stracci M. “A Year of Art – Trends in Contemporary Art 2022”, pp. 85-99, Bozen: Quia Edizioni
Keywords: Impressionism – Oil painting
The Artist
Leonid Afremov was a Russian-Israeli artist belonging to the Neo-Impressionism of the second half of the 20th century. He is best known for his palette-knife oil on canvas works, and for his unmistakable style. Active between 1975 and 2019, he worked in the Soviet Union (Belarus), Israel, the U.S. and Mexico.
Leonid Afremov è stato un artista russo-israeliano appartenente alla corrente del Neo-Impressionismo del secondo Novecento, conosciuto per i suoi lavori olio su tela, lavorati a spatola, e per il suo stile inconfondibile. Attivo tra gli anni 1975 e 2019, ha lavorato in Unione Sovietica (Bielorussia), Israele, Stati Uniti d’America e Messico.
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