Quia Edizioni

Manu De Mey

Painter – Pittore (Belgium)

Member of Quia International Guild of Artists

Bibliografia – Reference: Stracci P., Stracci M. “A Year of Art – Trends in Contemporary Art 2022”, pp. 79-83, Bozen: Quia Edizioni

Keywords: Oil painting – Portrait

The Artist

Manu De Mey was born in Belgium, from a British artist (mother) and a Flemish accountant (father). In his twenties he moved to Antwerp where he started his business as web designer. In September 2017 he had a creative epiphany at the Burning Man festival in Black Rock City, Nevada, USA. Shortly after he enrolled at the Art Academy of Mortsel, Antwerp and resumed his drawing and painting practice. He is dedicated to figurative art, mainly portraits. With his art, he wishes to create something visually striking capable of conveying strong emotion. His portraits often appear intentionally ambiguous. The depicted subjects do not completely show their true nature, leaving the viewer with a sense of uncertainty: A victim or a malefactor? A master or a slave? His subjects, often women, clearly appear melancholic and thoughtful, as if they refuse to envisage and their emotions. His career is quickly developing internationally.


Manu De Mey è nato in Belgio, da un’artista britannica e un contabile fiammingo. Poco più che ventenne si trasferisce ad Anversa dove inizia la sua attività come web designer. Nel settembre 2017 riceve un’epifania creativa al festival Burning Man di Black Rock City, Nevada, USA. Poco dopo si iscrive all’Accademia d’Arte di Mortsel, Anversa, e riprende la sua pratica di disegno e pittura. Si dedica all’arte figurativa, principalmente ritratti. Con la sua arte, desidera creare qualcosa di visivamente sorprendente in grado di trasmettere forti emozioni. I suoi ritratti appaiono spesso intenzionalmente ambigui. I soggetti raffigurati non mostrano completamente la loro vera natura, lasciando allo spettatore un senso di incertezza: una vittima o un malfattore? Un padrone o uno schiavo? I suoi soggetti, spesso donne, appaiono chiaramente malinconici e pensierosi, come se rifiutassero di vedere e le loro emozioni. La sua carriera si sta sviluppando rapidamente a livello internazionale.

Selected artworks

Opere selezionate

Girl in Green Shirt (2021), oil on canvas, 60 x 80 cm, €1300-1500
Masha in blue (2021), oil on wood panel, 60 x 40 cm, €600-800
Masha in blue (2021), oil on wood panel, 60 x 40 cm, €600-800
Girl l with Hand in Neck (2022), Oil and charcoal on canvas, 80x60 cm, € 800-1000
Girl l with Hand in Neck (2022), Oil and charcoal on canvas, 80x60 cm, € 800-1000

Artist's contacts

Contatti dell'Artista

Website: https://www.manudemey.be/

Email: manu.de.mey@telenet.be

Interested in the artist’s works? Contact us!

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il Progetto di quia - Quia Project

Un Anno d'Arte - A Year of Art

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